THANK YOU 14.09.2002 Now that the Contest is over and the winners are starting to receive their prize packs, I would like to thank everyone involved for their hard and dedicated work. Thanks go out to the jury for spending days and days again testing all submitted maps, to the mappers who spent so much time creating their assets, to Pete Larsen and EA Games in Germany for pushing €600 into this Contest, and to all of you who really showed us that the hard work was worth the while by coming along visiting and downloading the maps. Personally, I would also like to thank STiAT of (hosted by for putting up a mirror immediately and allowing us to continue spreading the Map Pack while our own traffic limits where already reached.
Well, there has been lots of questions lately about whether and when the next Contest is going to happen. We are currently considering making this happen at the end of this year, shortly after the Add-On "Spearhead" is made available. So stay tuned, it's all in the works! Pete Larsen of EA Games Germany has also let us know that we can rest assured for his support. I'm currently evaluating opportunities to gather sponsors from the hardware sector for the next contest, too.
After all, has not made a single penny out of this Contest. But that doesn't matter - the one thing I am perfectly sure about is that this first Contest has shown the Creative Fraction out there that their efforts are truely appreciated by the Community. Loads of servers have been running their maps lately, and that is a good thing that keeps the Community alive. Personally, I'd rather not see another remake or v2 of officially released maps - what I want to see is fresh meat - and that's what all of you Contestants out there gave us. Thank you, take care & keep practising your skills.Alexander "LEXI" Golubowitsch
DOWNLOADS & MIRRORS 01.09.2002 We have finally finished up the individual Map Rating pages with Download Links for as well the complete Map Pack as single Map Files. These can now be accessed by clicking on the Map Names on this page. Thanks for you patience - Enjoy!
Edit: Use this thread in our forums if you feel like posting your thoughts. Thank you.
MIRRORS: I'll start listing Mirrors for the complete 30MB Contest Map Pack here, as our server is currently getting bogged down quite heavily. While you should still get very high bandwidth, our traffic limits are starting to get closer. So as soon as you've decided what you want to get, you might want to do us a favor and consider using these sites, too. Contact if you'd like to report a mirror - Thank you. ;o)
- now mirrors all files (Thanks to STiAT & - Telstra Entertainment lists the Map Pack - lists the Map Pack
However, if you want to know the actual Ratings and detailled information along with screenshots and individual Map Download Links, you should still head this way ->
FINAL RANKINGS 31.08.2002 We're finally there. Rankings have been set-up, Congratulations to all Contestants for the results of their hard work. Detailed pages for individual maps and their rankings will be published tomorrow. Here we go...
GETTING CLOSE-UP 26.08.2002 Well, it's been awhile... ;o) We have been testing a lot lately, and we will be making final decisions tonight. To sweeten your waiting time, I have made up this page with links to 10 screenshots for each of the 13 (why only 13? See below) submitted Pak-Files - Enjoy!
Again - Rankings and winners will be announced later this week, so stay tuned.
EDIT: Congratulations to Steven Delrue! It seems that his DM Map "Unterseite" has been selected for the official MOHAA Add-On and he had to ask us to remove it from of the Contest. Sad, because his map was a true beauty - but not unexpected. Rock on, Steven!
SO THIS IS IT 12.08.2002 The registration phase is over. Let the games begin. ;o)
We have received 14 final submissions, and we have already had lost of fun playing the DM fraction last night for a couple of hours. We will continue testing, writing reviews, taking screenshots, and rating the maps during the next 2 weeks. Stay tuned!
JUST A COUPLE OF HOURS 10.08.2002 Yeah well, we're almost there! This Sunday, August 11th our Contest will end. We might be accepting maps through to early Monday morning though, to account for the different local times in other countries and on other continents (We are located at GMT+1).
We really hope there will be more final submissions popping in - 24 Registrations and 7 final Maps so far is not too much of a satisfying result - with the amount of prizes we have to offer. Stay tuned!
READY? GO! 29.07.2002 Right on - there's about two more weeks before the Contest closes its doors and the jury will start hiding in dark chambers playing your maps - while it's 33°C outside... But after all we're definitely looking forward! We have received 4 final maps so far, and they sure look very promising. Keep it coming, guys!
Note: Please remember adding a Readme-File to your Submission Packs, so we don't have to get back to you and ask for it - thank you.
19 PARTICIPANTS 23.07.2002 ... or "19 Teilnehmer", in german. That is exactly what we have received so far. Quite a number - but not enough. I just cannot believe that this is all there is out there. Come on people - Give it a go! ;o)
We have a huge list of prices, the whole world is listening, and this is "How to become famous" - to put it in the words of german PC ACTION Magazine.
NEWS UPDATE 20.06.2002 Ok, there's seriously important news today, but very pleasant news, too:
I had to make a small legal update to the rules page (please read). Firstly, to all of you who are currently using non-german versions of MOHAA: Please do not under any circumstances use nazi symbols (the Swastika) in your map! As of german law, we are not allowed to distribute or show-off materials containing those symbols. I hope you understand.
Secondly, the good news: German Games Magazine PC ACTION will be happy to distribute the Contest Map Pack through the Cover-CD/DVD of their September issue! That means 440.000 potential players of your maps. Nice one, huh? That is also the reason for another amendment and the bottom of the rules page.
NEW DEADLINE / NEW RULES 11.06.2002 After getting reasonable feedback about the quite short contest timeframe, I decided to announce a new submission deadline: August 11th, 2002. That should be more than enough time for anyone who's interested to finish a decent map. So, whoever has already started working on his project for the contest can sit back and make it even better.
As for the currently pretty tight rules - these have been changed to be much more flexible. You can check the updated rules page here [Please notice revisions to #6-8].
I hope that both the new deadline and the rules will encourage more mappers to participate. With our current number of 6 registered contestants, half the prizes would have to remain where they are - at EA Germany.
We don't have the Levelord onboard, right, so all of you have a great chance to win! Don't make me teach me under-aged little brother how to map only to get another contestant, ok? ;o)
RULES & DEADLINE 09.06.2002 I am currently considering a couple of changes to the rules and the contest deadline. Stay tuned for an update within the next 24-48 hours.
Deutschsprachige Mapper: Ich werde in Kürze einige Änderungen an den Regeln vornehmen. Eure Meinung ist natürlich hilfreich - solltet ihr also Anmerkungen (zur Laufzeit des Contests etc.) haben, so nehmt euch bitte die Zeit und lasst es mich in unserem Forum zum Map Assault 2002 wissen! Vielen Dank.
CONTEST UPDATE 06.06.2002 Alright. ;o) The first couple of contenders have already submitted their data. Of course you can do like they did: Submit your contact information etc. now - and add the rest via email to once your map is finished and the contest deadline (July 14th) gets closer.- Spread the news! ;O) - Anyone can enter, no national restrictions - Submit your information - Join the Mailing List (see left) - Start mapping!
TIMELINE & MAP PACK 03.06.2002 OK, here we go. The Contest starts today, no submissions will be accepted after July 14th 2002. All required details can be found on these pages, if you miss anything, please contact me.
Note: We are still looking for potential distributors of the Contest Map Pack that we hope to compile afterwards. If you feel you can support our efforts, please contact me as well.
MAP ASSAULT 2002 - READY TO GO! 02.06.2002 Ladies and Gentlemen - The Contest pages are finally ready to rumble. Feel free to stroll around and - join!? I am currently preparing our Message Boards - unfortunately though they will only be available in german. In the end, is still a german website. We just decided to allow mappers from around the world to join our Contest. Check out the prizes, rules and the jury now...
To our german homeboys: Die Contest-Webseiten sind zweisprachig gehalten (bis auf diese News-Seite). Ihr könnt jeweils die deutsche Übersetzung aufrufen, indem ihr auf den "DEUTSCHE ÜBERSETZUNG ANZEIGEN"-Link unter der Haupt-Navigation klickt. Viel Spass!
To all of you: Join the ranks - we'll treat you kindly! ;o)